Where Will the River of Life Take Us?

760.1Roman writes:

I regularly watch your shows. They help me live, especially in these difficult times. But sometimes I am puzzled. I watched your video today about the four candles when all the candles go out, and only one remains: hope. And suddenly I hear in your response that one just needs to live through this day. What does it mean to live through? Right now, you know, it is not easy with work, money, life in general, and the age is not the same anymore, and illnesses. So, what lies behind this phrase that you keep repeating: “You just need to live through it”?

Answer: You need to go with the flow of life as if you are in a boat, in a river, and it is carrying you somewhere, not onto rocks, not onto waterfalls, just the current carries you. That is how we should still look at life. And what else can I advise people who live in our time? You just need to keep going.

Question: And at the same time, I know there is the current and there is the boat?

Answer: There is the current, there is the boat, and there is me in the boat. And I have to agree that I am floating with the current. I cannot swim against the current. I cannot get out of this river anywhere. The only thing I can do is accept where the current takes me.

Question: Who is this answer directed to?

Answer: To myself first and foremost. That is how a person should understand.

Question: Are my friends also in this boat?

Answer: If you put it that way, then yes. We are all floating in the boat with the current of life, in the river of life. And it is best to understand that this is how it is. We survived through the day, we survived. Another day, once again. And so on and so forth.

Question: So you are not in favor of making any plans?

Answer: No! Those plans never come to fruition anyway, and we only worry about them.

Question: So, are you concerned that we are heading toward disappointment?

Answer: It depends on what goals we set for ourselves in life.

Question: And still, what goals should we set? I am floating in this boat; do I want to reach somewhere or not?

Answer: If you have such a goal.

Question: If the goal is to reach somewhere, then…?

Answer: Then yes. You should check it: is it worth it? Can you achieve that goal? If you can, then yes. And if not, then slowly row a little closer to it, but still calmly. Do not rush.

Comment: This complicates things a bit.

My Response: Why does it complicate things? Should we be striving?

Comment: We are used to striving for a goal, we are used to pursuing a goal.

My Response: I do not think it is wise in our time. There are periods that carry you, and that is it.

Question: So, in our words: “There is none else beside Him”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And is that how I should live?

Answer: The Creator still creates new conditions for us, and whether we wish it or not, we will still implement them—what He desires.

Question: What does it mean to surrender to this? On one hand, it means giving up?

Answer: No, agreeing with where the river of life is carrying us does not mean giving up. It means truly perceiving the flow of the river of life and moving along with it, understanding that you cannot go against it. There are no heroes who could go against the current. And yet, we might still wish to change something, but that something can only be very, very small in our lives.

Question: Where is the joy in this? We still want to be joyful.

Answer: Joy is not in creating something like throwing myself into the water and starting to block the river, and so on. Joy is in finding special points of movement in my ordinary, simple life path and trying to move along them.

Question: What do you mean? Special points, are they joyful points? Is that what you are saying?

Answer: They can be joyful or sorrowful; nevertheless, we must go through them. Therefore, we need to accept life more as a flow.

Question: Still to nullify oneself, surrender to it. Like that?

Answer: If you do not nullify yourself, it still does not mean anything.

Question: But what about the fact that we get used to and found joy in it: to swim against the current, for example, to go against nature?

Answer: That is your inner feeling. In reality, no one can go against it anyway.

Question: We repeat with you more than once that a human nature is egoistic. And a person must somehow rise above his nature. Can you relate to this?

Answer: Yes. Rising above one’s nature is precisely realizing that you are still floating with the current of the river. And still, you perhaps might want to get out of it, but you do not even know where or how, and who is waiting for you on the shore if you suddenly emerge from under the water with your boat, and so on. So, I do not know if that is wise.

Question: Do we need to know or at least have a premonition of what awaits us in the end? After all, rivers flow into the sea.

Answer: You have to choose a goal that seems realistic to you and that aligns with your abilities, and try to achieve it somehow. So, we must somehow understand that we are leaving the river of life, getting out of it, and then somehow continuing to sail on.

Question: So, these milestones of stops should be along the way?

Answer: Yes, but frankly, in the end everyone, even if during their life they aspire to become a revolutionary in something and so on, ultimately agrees that this is life and it ends with death, and then, what will be will be.

Comment: It does not sound very optimistic, of course.

My Response: Why doesn’t it sound very optimistic?

Comment: Still, we want to set goals not that necessarily we defeat death, but at least internally, within ourselves, you know.

My Response: On the contrary! When you agree with this, you acquire a special tranquility and a special perception of life, and you perceive it realistically. I am not talking about death. I am talking about really perceiving this flow.

Question: But I will ask again. If those engaged in our science are in this boat, and let’s say it has been many years, should their behavior be the same; what do you think?

Answer: Their behavior should be as they, like any person, strive toward their goal.

Comment: So if the goal is to rise above one’s nature.

My Response: If the goal is to rise above one’s nature, then it is with you in the boat. You should not jump anywhere and swim to the shore, you should not shout: “Hey, who is there on the shore?”—there might be someone. You do not have to call anything to yourself. It all depends on your mood, your attitude toward what you are sailing through. And in the end, you enter into another dimension.

Question: How does this happen? How am I pulled out of my nature? I am just sailing in the boat, with our idea.

Answer: You are not pulled out, you are not going anywhere. Simply, the illusion in which you existed is gradually replaced by another, a third, and so on.

Comment: And I no longer pay attention, like Roman writes here that life is hard, age, illnesses.

My Response: No, no, no. I am no longer interested in that. I am already thinking about how I will calmly live through this and then enter into a new life.

Question: How can you deal with this? With this life which overwhelms, with illnesses, sufferings?

Answer: The best thing is to surrender to it and not resist. Because resistance will not give anything, and we know that. Everything around us goes through such stages and ends similarly. Treat both life and death kindly.

Question: And is this called “also treating the Creator the same way”?

Answer: Yes, agree with Him, with what He has done, with what He has done to us, placed us within certain boundaries, and given us such a vector of development.

Question: When it is said that everyone has their own path, what does it mean? Their own path to the Creator?

Answer: Yes, nothing else. And there is nothing particularly new here except relative to the individual.

Question: So, each person has their own path to the Creator?

Answer: Yes, if a person understands this, then it is called that they have gained wisdom.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/11/24

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