The Goal Is to Reach the Qualities of the Creator

566.01Question: How does it happen that the fire that warmed us and nurtured our love, suddenly turns into something consuming? Where is the main oversight? When does it suddenly turn around?

Answer: On one hand perhaps the spouses forget that they receive a connection between them through the Creator and they throw Him out of their relationship. On the other hand they forget that they have a common goal in front of them and that it is unchangeable and unshakable. If there are children, then there is nothing to talk about at all. After all, we live not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our children.

Question: As I understand it, our goal is to reach love, the qualities of the Creator. How do children contribute to this?

Answer: Children contribute by forcing you to rise above your egoism and sacrifice it for their sake.

Question: Why exactly should the Creator be between a man and a woman?

Answer: Otherwise they would hardly unite with each other and continue their existence together.
From KabTV’s “Male and Female” 3/5/24

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