On the Way to Harmony

963.4We cannot move forward without blows that must pass over us! The whole problem is in what kind of blows they will be and at what level; will it be on a gross animal, material, sensory, or mental level.

These blows can be small and targeted, that follow one another and accurately correct me like a rocket moving through a tracking system. So-so-so—the pulse system works and leads me forward all the time.

Or these can be big blows that hit me on one cheek, then on the other cheek, and I do not know where to go.

It all depends on the threshold of sensitivity of the evil in me. I can feel it so subtly that I experience a correction a hundred times a minute and move forward in a smooth way without deviating far from the course. So-so-so—around a straight axis that leads me to the goal without deviating for kilometers to the side, and then, boom: “I made a mistake. Get back on course!”—and so on.

Therefore, we must do our best to spread the knowledge of Kabbalah so that people see that they have nothing else in their hands and begin to master it. They must understand that there is no other way out. We need to come to harmony with the world around us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Do in the Moment of a Disaster?“ 1/2/12

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Ahead Of The Blows Of Fate
How To Forestall The Blows Of Nature
The Ego’s Valuable Blows

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