Overcome All Fears

508.1Question: All my fears arise because my desire to receive is not satisfied, and this causes anxiety. But I want to shift my concern to whether I can bring contentment to the Creator and whether I am doing it correctly. What is the prime support for each of us in this transition? Where can we find the strength for it?

Answer: Usually we draw strength from the understanding that there is no other way, that we have friends beside us who think the same and are in the same circumstances. We must overcome these fears, uncertainties, and doubts that knock us off the path to our goal. We must overcome them by all means.

Question: Is it possible to race ahead of these obstacles and awaken love?

Answer: No, you must understand that all these obstacles are designed to correct us. Without feeling them, we cannot correct them, and the world will not come to a sense of balance.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/23/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning Fear that Sometimes Comes Upon a Person”

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