Become a Tool in the Hands of the Creator

294.4Question: How do I become a tool in the hands of the Creator?

Answer: Completely annul yourself before the Creator and thus continue your work throughout the journey.

You have a mind and a heart that you must glue to the Creator so that what comes from Him fills them. Then, you will be able to do whatever the Creator desires.

Question: But it is a problem for us to agree with everything that is happening. Is there something else needed?

Answer: If you want to perform such exercises in the ten, it is best to focus on the desire that the Creator fill your mind and heart and that all your actions, thoughts, and decisions would come only from connection with Him. That is being a slave to the Creator.

Question: Why does slavery of desire always lead us to a dead end, but being a slave of the Creator promises us absolute freedom?

Answer: That is His wish.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/8/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Wisdom Cries Out in the Streets”

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