Work on Texts

209Question: Sometimes it feels like you are drowning in spiritual information. What is the best thing to do? Should you try to figure out every word, thread this knowledge letter after letter, or stick to your ten like a fetus to the uterus and look for the source of light in it?

Answer: In principle, both ways are good. Just don’t mix it up so that you don’t get in a mess.

I think first you just need to parse the text well so that you have the right internal associations with the words of the text. After it gets inside, chew it well and swallow it. After that, you can continue to parse it at the next stage.

Question: What if the text is rejected and you cannot accept it, then what should you do?

Answer: That is not good. Indeed, the text is rejected, but we still have to chew it and swallow it, otherwise we will not move further. There are some texts that have to go through us like this, hard. I understand you, but there is no escaping this, you have to work on them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/18/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Difference between Faith and Intellect”
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