Who Is “Our Neighbor”?

632.3Question: Why is it written in the Torah “love your neighbor” and not everyone? It seems to me that the word “neighbor” confuses us because everyone decides for himself who a neighbor is.

Answer: The Torah refers to the love of everyone for everyone without exception. This means not only people, but any part of nature: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human. All of them fall into the category of neighbor.

Question: So a neighbor is not someone who is close to me in spirit, in ideas?

Answer: No, because then you start sorting it all and selecting what is closer and what is further.

And in principle, everything outside of you should be your neighbor, and you should treat them with love.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/19/23

Related Material:
Love Is A Two Way Street
True Love Is The Fulfillment Of Another’s Desire
“When You Walk Into Your Neighbor’s Vineyard”

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