How Do You Reveal the Creator?

944Reception of pleasure—when one receives for one’s own benefit—removes him from cleaving to the Creator.

And this is why we gather here—to establish a society where each of us follows the spirit of bestowing upon the Creator. And to achieve bestowal upon the Creator, we must begin with bestowal upon man, which is called “love of others” (Rabash, “Purpose of Society – 1”).

Instead, one should receive pleasures that bring contentment to the Creator. This means that the creature will want to bestow upon the Creator and will have fear of the Creator, of receiving for oneself, since the reception of pleasure—when one receives for one’s own benefit—removes him from cleaving to the Creator.

Question: Is bestowing upon one’s neighbor and loving one’s neighbor the same?

Answer: Love is a feeling, and bestowal is an action in intention, in thoughts.

The society Rabash writes about consists of selfish individuals who come together with the goal of reaching the Creator and realize their goal through bestowal and love for others. In such a way, we must train ourselves to bestow upon the Creator.

Question: Why can’t one work with Him directly?

Answer: And how would you reveal the Creator if you lack the qualities that He has? It is precisely through drawing closer to others and connecting with friends toward the same goal that you gradually acquire the quality of bestowal that is already the quality of the Creator. You become more similar to Him, start feeling Him, and thus draw closer to Him.

Comment: But a person talks with the Creator within himself.

My Response: These are just his internal ideas, not what happens. To connect with the Creator, we need the same qualities that He has.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 12/5/23

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