When Shade Comes Because of a Sin

232.05But when the shade comes because of a sin, it is called “images, image makers, and sorcerers,” which is “God has made them one opposite the other.” As there are forces in Kedusha to make changes and to show signs and omens, so there are forces in the Sitra Achra (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 39 “And They Sewed Fig Leaves“).

Question: Why is it that when the shade comes because of a sin, it is called “images, image makers, and sorcerers”? What does it mean?

Answer: These are egoistic forces that are opposite to the will to bestow. This is why they are called that.

There are forces of bestowal and forces of reception. The Creator created some against others, and we have to choose which ones we want to develop with. The righteous do not use the force of reception, rather they use the force of bestowal wherever possible.

Comment: First, we need to recognize a sin, but the Sitra Achra does not allow us to do this.

My Response: You should hold on to each other and see how quickly you can identify your egoism and rise above it.

In order to come to this recognition, you need to be honest with each other, to at least open your heart somehow. Then, you will be able to rise above your common egoistic heart together and acquire the quality of bestowal from everyone to everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And They Sewed Fig Leaves“

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