An Allegorical Description of the Development of Creation

525Baal HaSulam, who wrote a commentary on The Book of Zohar, says that “flower buds” are the action of the beginning of creation. That is, the Kabbalist sort of sees and wants to convey the process of the development of creation, by comparing it with the flower buds that appear in the land. In this way, he gradually reveals to us the beginning of all creation.

Therefore, in the article “The Flower Buds” we are talking about the evolution of nature in our world until man appears. Then it explains what happens to this man.

It says in the “Introduction of The Book of Zohar“: The flower buds have appeared in the land; the time of pruning has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land (Rashbi, Zohar for All, “The Flower Buds”). It means that the whole of nature at all its levels—still, vegetative, animate, and human—in its development is gradually approaching a state where a person can begin to act as the peak of its creation.

This process is considered an external manifestation of nature’s development, as well as the internal development of a person. After all, everything that happens is carried out at all levels of nature, including the spiritual one.

Question: Let’s say “flower buds in the land” we can understand somehow: the land symbolizes a common desire and the flower buds represent the manifestation of the intention in this desire. What is “the voice of a turtledove is heard”?

Answer: This can be considered as a manifestation of the Creator’s call for a person to begin interacting with all other levels of nature.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 1/7/24

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