To Let a Friend into Your Heart

938.04Question: How does one not let the will to receive break into the heart?

Answer: Actively resist it. By cultivating love for others in your heart, mainly for your ten, you will be able to reach a state of connection with the friends.

Question: But where can I get the strength to pray?

Answer: From each other. Everyone should help others through their correct example, and then you will never have problems with a lack of strength to show love.

Question: When we work on our connection, we ask the Creator that the heart really lets a friend in and starts sincerely loving him. But it is said that we need to connect with each other and with the Creator.

What is this addition of with the Creator?

Answer: The fact is that through the connection between you, you connect with the Creator. This is exactly what you have to reveal. In your unity, you will begin to feel the spiritual world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/23, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 44

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