At the Set Table

506.3We should understand why there cannot be an upper blessing on an empty table. After all, the blessing is that the Creator wants to give to the created beings delight and pleasure. Thus, why must the receivers first prepare in order to make room for the blessing to be, meaning that they must set up a suitable place to receive the upper blessing? (What Is the Prohibition to Bless on an Empty Table, in the Work? Rabash, Article No. 16 (1989)).

Question: If the table we are supposed to bless is empty, then is this an opportunity to ask?

Answer: The table is all that we receive from the Creator. If it is empty, then the Creator does not offer us anything. We must feel that we are always at the set table, i.e., everything we receive comes from Him.

Comment: But you said that the Creator enjoys it when we turn to Him. And if the table is set, I don’t turn to Him.

My Response: In this case, your prayer is gratitude, not a request—because everything is in front of you.

Question: How do you arouse the appetite for a set table every time you reveal that it is set?

Answer: You don’t immediately reveal that the table is set. First you have to make contact with your friends, connect with them, develop a feeling of hunger, and only then you will see a set table in front of you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/16/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Prohibition to Bless on an Empty Table, in the Work?”

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