Pause on the Path

933Our sages said, “What is Hanukah? Our sage taught,” etc. We see that Hanukah has the letters of Hanu (parked/paused) Koh (here/thus far), meaning that on the 25th of Kislev (third Hebrew month) they had a pause in the war, as pausing happens specifically in the middle of the work. The pause in the middle is in order to muster strength in order to be able to continue the work (Rabash, Letter 53).

Question: What does it mean for us to pause in order to muster strength? What should we focus on?

Answer: You need to focus on connecting with each other and in such a way that it will lead us to the following degree where you work in mutual desires.

The pause on the spiritual path is a respite before an attack. I really hope that you will succeed at least partially.

Question: What does it mean to work in a mutual desire?

Answer: To work hoping for success in the mutual yearning to connect with each other and then with the Creator.

To do this, you need to open your heart to the friends in the ten, connect your hearts, and direct this united heart toward getting closer to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/7/23, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 53

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