In Absolute Concealment

290Question: In “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Baal HaSulam writes that after the shattering of the general system, impure worlds were formed. What is this about? What does “impure worlds” mean?

Answer: Impure worlds are egoistic forces that unite after the shattering in order to be able to snatch small sparks of light that could give them the opportunity to exist.

Question: Speaking more practically regarding our existence, the world is a concealment. What is concealed from us? Is it the fact that we bestow to each other and can receive pleasure?

Answer: Absolutely everything is concealed from us. The only thing we can do is recognize that the world in which we exist is evil. There is only one way out of this evil; it is with the help of each other to raise our prayer to the Creator so that He corrects us.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 10/10/23

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