When Events Are Overwhelming

947Question: How can we act correctly when events in the outside world overwhelm a friend and alienate him from the group or from the spiritual path in general?

Answer: We have to wait. Events pass, and a person begins to think more independently, and frees themselves from the power of the media. Gradually a person will become convinced that all this must be balanced and not perceived as before.

I encounter this very often. During the war and during the many demonstrations and rallies people are under the control of their feelings, and they do not understand and cannot figure out what is really happening. Therefore, we need to cool it all down.

Question: If a situation arises where there is a surge of emotions about events in one country, then people begin to relate to the troubles in another country with some coolness. It turns out that even in our community “one’s shirt is closer to one’s body.” But this is wrong, isn’t it?

Answer: Right or wrong, we cannot judge. We must weigh everything regarding good connections between people because in the end, only this will help us understand the states we are passing through and come to the right agreement.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/23, Writings of Rabash “One’s Future Depends and Is Tied to Gratitude for the Past”

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