Is It Worth Diving into the News?

504Question: I have a question about reading the news. I can skim through the headlines and feel one internal impact from it. I can also go deeper and after seeing some terrible things, my internal demand for correction naturally increases. Or I can generally isolate myself from everyone, not read the news, but focus, say, on working with the ten. Such inner sensitivity to what is happening seems to depend on me.

Depending on the extent I immerse myself in the news, I can sort of change my sensitivity. Where is the correct balance of the extent I should immerse myself in these things?

Answer: Immerse yourself in them as much as you can and by doing so direct yourself more precisely to the purpose of creation, which is to connect with the entire humanity and with the Creator into one whole.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/11/23, “Growing Stronger in There Is None Else Besides Him”

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