If You Want to Escape Problems

283.01Question: Thousands of people disappear in Japan every year. They leave their families and their jobs; they leave it all behind of their own freewill. They change their names and start new lives in a new place. This phenomenon is called johatsu. It is a way of escaping problems in one’s personal life and societal pressures. Someone gets tired of their work, of having many problems, and runs away. In Japan, there are agencies that help a person disappear without a trace; they are called night travel services. Such is life.

What do you think of such an escape?

Answer: The Japanese overall are a mystery to me. On one hand, they have kamikazes who can go to death with their eyes open and know in advance when it will happen to them, and on the other hand, they are running away from some small difficulty in ordinary life. They just suddenly leave and change everything.

Question: In general, how do you feel about such an escape from yourself?

Answer: I don’t feel like I can.

Question: In your case, yes. But is it even possible to escape from problems? To change everything in an instant, just like that?

Answer: I do not know how far I can run from myself. And if not from myself, then it does not matter.

Question: So you even welcome escape from yourself?

Answer: No, I don’t welcome it. I’m saying if you could run away from yourself, take a pill or something else and the whole past would break away from you and let you start over as it were, that would be good.

Question: But you would still have the same character and the same habits because the person does not change. That is, he seems to invite the same problems; another wife may be even worse, and so could other problems be. What then?

Answer: It is obvious that you cannot run away from yourself.

Question: Let’s say a person sees how terrible he is. Not even with these external problems, just to see himself, he is shown that he is, as you say, a complete egoist. How can he escape this?

Answer: There is no way.

Question: What should one do?

Answer: You cannot run away from yourself in any way nor can you run away from your egoism. You can start to work on it, slowly reform it, change it, and turn it inside out, but you cannot run from it.

Question: Why do you always say we need to get closer to others and build good relations when we are the opposite, we are egoists? How can we escape?

Answer: There is no way.

Question: So why do you suggest building good relations and connecting with others?

Answer: I really do advise that you rise above yourself to the next degree.

Question: How so if you say it’s impossible?

Answer: According to the law of negation, that is, to turn inside out.

Question: How can I do this? Can I do it myself?

Answer: In the right environment you can.

Question: So I have to find a society of people who want to turn themselves inside out? Then what? I see them trying to turn inside out. What are my actions?

Answer: I want to be like them, to join them and also to try to turn myself inside out.

Question: Is it possible to turn oneself inside out?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So what is there, on the other side?

Answer: What is good will be bad and what is bad will be good.

Question: What is good will be bad, I get it. But will the bad become good? The bad thing for me was, as we say, to connect with others, to make good relations. Will it become good? Is this just what man needs by and large?

Answer: Yes. He will be in another world.

Question: Is this truly a transition to another world?

Answer: Of course.

Question: How simply you explain this! Just turn yourself inside out, form good connections, and suddenly you’re in another world?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this what is required of us from above? Is this why they beat us all the time in this world, so we turn inside out?

Answer: In principle, yes.

Comment: That is, running from yourself, changing your name, and so on—by and large, that’s all…

Answer: It doesn’t mean anything. He does not change his nature. He doesn’t change himself.

Question: This is the most important question! That is, he keeps living on the same plane?

Answer: He does.

Question: Can we not change anything on this plane?

Answer: No, there can only be more disappointment.

Question: So your main advice is to find like-minded people who turn themselves inside out, and ask together with them?

Answer: Yes.

Question: As a result, what turns us inside out, does it come from above?

Answer: The upper force.

Question: So all our requests, one way or another, are always to Him?

Answer: Even if you don’t ask. If you try a little, if anyone can change you, it is only Him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/10/23

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