We Should Not Ban Speech

961.1Question: There have been debates about freedom of speech, democracy, and hate speech for decades.

Should we allow mean-spirited speeches of evil people?

Answer: We need this, we have to learn from this. Otherwise, we, the narrow-minded ones, may not get a clear understanding of the depths of human nature.

Comment: You are talking about human nature, and he, of course, was talking about democracy.

My Response: Democracy is one of the expressions.

Question: The question is, do the boundaries of what is allowed still exist or not? Here a malicious person makes terrible speeches, and they say, “Let him say it, do not do anything to him.”

Answer: I also think that we need this. It is necessary to verbally express everything. And then…

Question: And then, what will the authorities that hear this do?

Answer: This is their problem, how to limit and prevent the development from speeches to action. There should be speeches, we should study them, we should perceive them correctly and object to them, build our attitude on this.

Question: Do I have to work on this, rise above this, and generally build all the arguments in the fight against this? Is this how I grow?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: If only humanity behaved like this.

My Response: We would have learned something gradually.

Question: The first natural instinct is to suppress. It is natural to immediately suppress. Is it wrong?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Tell me, how in this case, if we talk about the country, should the people be educated to choose such leaders who will work with everyone who opposes them in this way?

Answer: People should be included in discussions, understand their dependence on such statements, and learn. They must have a desire to learn. But it depends on the preparation, it depends on the society.

Question: Do we need to raise such people? This is education.

Answer: Absolutely.

Question: What, in your opinion, is a true democracy?

Answer: True democracy is when everyone is given the opportunity to develop according to their natural inclination, on the one hand. But, on the other hand, he is put in a certain relationship with the surrounding society that he begins to perceive the consequence of his democratic approach to himself, and all the flaws in his perception of the world quickly become clear to him.

Question: Does a person in a democratic society understand that I started it and it was started by me incorrectly, and I need to correct myself?

Answer: Yes. A person should feel as if he is on such a lathe, which he starts, carves out some kind of block of himself, and at the same time, he understands and feels by the reaction of the machine, which is nature to him, to what extent he can continue, change himself, and so on.

Question: In other words, how should it be refined it to some kind of harmony, an ideal state?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You, in a way, said now that a person even manages society, as it were. Each person. Does it mean that his advice, his desire come in and work? Does he see where he made a mistake, where he did not make a mistake and he corrects himself?

Answer: Yes. We need to try to create such a society so that everyone can shape themselves.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/3/23

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