If They Come at You with Weapons

293Everything in reality, good or bad, and even the most harmful in the world, has a right to exist and must not be destroyed and eradicated from the world. We must only mend and reform it (Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World“).

Negative phenomena is our egoism when a man wants to act in the name of good only for himself.

Question: Negative phenomena manifest themselves very clearly during war. Is there any way to correct them?

Answer: No, there is not. Baal HaSulam means that we can gradually bring ourselves to the feeling that all manifestations of egoism are evil and all anti-egoism are good.

Question: On one hand, he says that not a single phenomenon should be destroyed but only be corrected. On the other hand, there is a clear principle in the Torah: If they come to destroy you, you must stand up first and kill them, that is, destroy them, not correct them. How do these two principles interact?

Answer: If they come at you with weapons, you must defend yourself and do what they wanted to do to you. That will be your correction.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

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