Feel How the Creator Fills the Entire World

237Question: What is the difference between the light of the Creator and the greatness of the Creator? How do they relate?

Answer: It is practically the same thing and is only determined relative to a person. It depends on how much one truly wants to feel the greatness of the Creator and to sense that the Creator fills the entire world.

Comment: But the light is what is under the control of the Creator and the Kli (desire) is under the control of a person.

My Response: This needs to be sorted out. When a person experiences this feeling, he begins to understand the difference. But for now, one should only strive to imagine how the Creator fills the entire world.

Question: When after great suffering I come to the sensation of the Creator, and the Creator heals me, becomes my salvation, comfort, and rapidly fills my entire world, how can I transition from this state of escaping from suffering to revealing the Creator for the purpose of serving Him?

Answer: You must come to a state where you are ready to completely nullify yourself in order to feel the Creator. To feel how the Creator fills the entire world.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/25/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Reason for the Heaviness One Feels when Annulling before the Creator in the Work?“

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