External and Internal Parts of the World

177.06Question: What are the internal and external parts of the world?

Answer: The internal is desires, and the external is their fulfillment. But it also happens in a different way.

Question: How does it take such a form when the people of the world are called the external part of the world and Israel is the internal?

Answer: The internal part is always more important, and the external part is its consequence. Therefore, Israel, being responsible for filling the world with the upper light, is called the internal part, and the people who receive this light are called the external part.

Question: What does it mean we are responsible for filling the world?

Answer: Depending on how we behave, what desire we raise to the Creator and ask Him to fill, the Creator fills that desire.

Question: Does the fact that I raise some kind of desire to the Creator affect the world and fill it?

Answer: Certainly. And that is what every person in the world should do. It is just that their desires are very small.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Handmaid Who Is Heir to Her Mistress“

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