Covenant of Salt—Connection Forever

557Question: What does it mean to sacrifice salt? What kind of action is this in spirituality?

Answer: In the material world, we sprinkle salt on meat to prevent it from spoiling. After all, salt is the only food substance that does not decompose.

And in spirituality, we are talking about the desire for the connection between us to remain eternal. Therefore, the commitment to protect and strengthen our relationships with each other despite any obstacles is called the covenant of salt.

Question: How does the law of mutual guarantee differ from the covenant of salt? Or is it the same thing?

Answer: These are not the same thing, but they refer to the same goals: we protect our connection and our direction toward the complete correction in which we become completely one.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “On All Your Offerings You Shall Offer Salt“

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