What Is Our Strength, Brother?

275Question: What does it mean to be strong today?

Answer: It means to be united. Nothing else! If we unite, then the Creator is with us.

Comment: You always have one answer.

My Response: Yes. We do not need anything else.

Question: What is unity? What do you mean by that word?

Answer: Unity is when everyone feels that they are for others and all are for one. There can be no slacking here. We should just stick together.

Question: On the one hand, you are saying what we have been saying since childhood. Remember the Three Musketeers? “One for all, all for one!” We really believed in this, loved this very much, and wanted to live like this. Where did all this disappear to later?

Answer: This disappeared because life pushed us to other values—everyone for himself and it does not matter how the others are. But now we are being taught, very seriously taught.

Question: Can this change only happen as a result of such teaching?

Answer: Of course. Otherwise, the Creator would not have given it to us.

Question: What is our move now? He made a move, a difficult, tragic one. What is our move?

Answer: Our move now is only to connect with each other and advance on the enemy.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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