Universal Integration

937Question: When Kabbalah speaks about the merging of two objects, does it mean integration with each friend or between each of us with the ten as the second object?

Answer: It is the adhesion of each one of us with a friend, the adhesion of each of us with the ten, the adhesion through my ten with other tens, and in general with everyone.

That is, there is multiple unification, multiplication, and combination of all our properties and desires that happen here. Then it turns out that we have a common vessel, a common desire, with common feelings where it is impossible even to understand where I am and where you are, where he is and where she is, and so on.

Everything merges together in one sphere, a sphere in which we see only one single force that created us, connected us, and brought us to it. We unite within this force without any difference between us. This is the connection of creation with the Creator.

Question: Do we connect and come to adhesion with each friend or with the ten?

Answer: You need to imagine the ten all the time and not break it down into individual friends, into individuals: this one is better or worse, this one is closer or farther from me. In no way you should do that.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/27/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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