War and Choice

294.1Waging war and keeping the Mitzva of choice should be made in a place of permission, since the act is only a matter of permission. Hence, even if one fails, the sin will not be so great. This is why it is considered near to the reward, since if he wins the war, he will bring a new authority under the Kedusha [holiness]” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 142, “The Essence of the War”).

First of all, we need to consider whether we should fight against our evil inclination, which pushes us to war, or against the conditions of war, or not to fight at all. Therefore, here a war is by choice.

It is said that if a person wins the war with the evil inclination, he will make a new choice in holiness, i.e., by this, he will strengthen the force of bestowal, of love, and the connection between the parts of the common Kli, and therefore this is the right choice.

Question: Starting to fight with your egoism is essentially the same as fighting with the Creator. How can a person do such a thing, knowing that the Creator is behind everything and will be able to win only if He wants to?

Answer: Yes, but the main thing for us is to show where we are. If this is a war, i.e., all kinds of contradictions, then we choose the part closer to the Creator to support Him. Working with the Creator should be such that we do everything that depends on us and then ask Him to give us the strength to win this war.

We must firmly understand what the evil inclination is so as not to make mistakes and try to demand support from the Creator so that He directs us correctly to realize what egoism is and how we can conquer it.

We are obliged to seriously weigh what is in front of us, make a decision, and when we find out the answer and the right decision is, we will make a correction.

Question: And what is our most important weapon with an evil inclination?

Answer: Connection. Only connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/16/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati 142 “The Essence of the War“

Related Material:
“I Have Created The Evil Inclination”
Connection That Destroys Evil
Egoism Is The Force That Opposes Unity

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