The Function of the Screen

232.06Question: In paragraph 14 of Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, Baal HaSulam introduces a new term “screen” or “Masach.” What is a screen and what is its function?

Answer: The screen is a condition that I attract the upper light and fill with it only to the extent that I enjoy it not for my own sake, but for the sake of others, outsiders because in this case, I become not a receiver, but a giver.

The science of Kabbalah tells about how to attract the upper light and start receiving it with the help of bestowal. Such receiving is not considered receiving, since it is equivalent to bestowal, and at the same time, I feel myself in the same way as the Creator, who gives to me, feels.

In other words, the screen is an anti-egoistic property that allows me to protect my desire from the pleasure coming from the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/30/23

Related Material:
Kabbalistic Terms: “Masach“
How Does The Screen Appear?
The Screen Is Maximum Equivalence To The Giver

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