Questions about Spiritual Work—10

222Question: At some point, a person decides to stop receiving for his own sake. Whose decision is it: a person’s or the Creator’s?

Answer: A person’s.

Question: When a person understands the nature of his receiving, how can he find the lowest point from which he will push himself to the prayer and connection?

Answer: The lowest point is when a person feels that there is no one in this world lower and worse than him. It is from this point that he should begin the ascent.

Question: When the Creator reveals our illness or gives us some kind of shock, the first reaction is hatred and resentment against the Creator. Is it possible to change this so that there is only gratitude?

Answer: Thank and ask the Creator to change us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/10/23, “Habit Becomes a Second Nature”

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