New Life 297 – Creativity

New Life 297 – Creativity
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

In nature and in humans, where does creativity come from? Is it possible to develop it? Why is there no unique creativity in our day like there was in the past? What kind of creativity will be required for the future?

Creativity motivates all of creation. Nature is the great creator of a more complex order. Creativity has developed in art and in science throughout human history. Since we are part of nature, every flash of inspiration comes from “the information system that embraces everything.”

The period of artistic creativity is finished, so it is already up to us to advance toward a new kind of creation. Up to now we have imitated nature in our art; from now on we will truly begin to create something uniquely human.

We are currently unable to digest the rate of inner changes in humanity. Everything is becoming virtual and abstract. Today’s emptiness is generating a need for creativity of a new type: creativity that is internal and non-material.

In the future a person will not create materially, but rather within himself, within his heart. People have already created shared feelings, a shared connection, from heart to heart. The new kind of creation will come as we enter into the inner worlds of others, into their desires and thoughts. Something new that didn’t exist at all in nature will be born through this unique connection—a partnership between us that is above the ego.

Communication above rejection creates a completed creation, a new person who will be better than me and you. A person’s interior will be upgraded so that he or she will become friendly to others and feel them as parts of him or herself. Then we will stop producing weapons and selling nonsense to each other.

We will begin to live well and create a new humanity. There will be true, positive creativity that is completely different from the creativity of today, which is often directed toward marketing and sales. In the future we will only consume what is convenient and useful for us, without all of the things that forcefully push us today.
From KabTV’s “New Life 297 – Creativity,” 2/11/14
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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