New Life 231 – Happiness And Health

New Life 231 – Happiness And Health
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

What is the connection between the physical condition of a person and his or her spiritual condition and degree of happiness? How do you define the feeling of happiness? What is considered health?

Certainly the condition of the body influences happiness, but being healthy still doesn’t make a person happy. Certainly below a particular level of health, the body constantly bothers and disturbs your happiness. However, disabled people are sometimes happier than others. It is worthwhile for a person to learn to strive for what he can achieve, and to give up what is beyond his ability.

The purpose of life is to be happy, not to be preoccupied with the body. Therefore it is necessary to be concerned that the body will not interfere. A class of disabled children play together and are very happy. When everyone is together, limitations do not interfere.

The mental health of a person very much depends on the environment. Mutual help brings happiness. In the future, we will achieve a state of good physical health, but we will be less happy. Listening to your body will also not bring real happiness; even maximal relaxation is temporary. A balance between the individual and society according to a uniform standard, like they tried in China and Russia, doesn’t bring happiness.

Happiness is the feeling of satisfaction from realizing yourself. Happiness is felt when there is something higher that you have in life, something for which you feel it is worthwhile to live. Drugs don’t bring real happiness. There is no sense in them of the reality of life, of reaching the essence of life. It is specifically in situations of extreme illness that a person has the opportunity to recognize the power that is managing his life. A person who transcends narrow egoism will discover the forces that act on us and can create balance in their life.
From KabTV’s “New Life 231 – Happiness And Health,” 9/29/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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