I’m Talking about Facts!

504If I am engaged with a person and society, if I am talking about how society should change, and how a person should change, then of course I can always be attributed to politics.

In the end, I’m not acting with political tools, but only educational ones.

People go out into the street to demand some political or social changes from the government, and we went out into the street to give them pamphlets saying that the only thing that will help them is if each of them changes themselves.

I tell a person: “You have to change your attitude toward others and not demand something from the government. It is not able to do anything, and you can’t put pressure on it. In the end, nothing good will come from it. Look at what is happening all over the world! The only thing that will help is that here I’m giving you objective natural laws, which say you have to change yourself.”

If I address everyone personally and talk about how to change oneself, is this a political statement?

We exist in a world of objective laws. These laws show us where today’s confusion comes from, and how we can find ourselves in the current world, to do something with ourselves, with society, and with our family, in order to continue to give birth, develop, and live.

I’m talking about facts! Let’s say I’m just explaining the law of free fall and how we can apply it in our lives, or the law of the dependence of speed on time and distance and how it can be used. I explain everything on my fingers and show everything in action.

I attract scientists who tell me that our world is truly global, mutual, and completely interdependent. At present, there are laws in it that did not exist before, and our failure to accept these laws is called a crisis. But this is our crisis, our lack of understanding and our inability to adapt to this world.

So we need to adapt to it and then there will be no crisis, but instead a wonderful, broad development.

As long as you cannot interact with this new, global and integral world, you are in crisis. This is not an external crisis; this is your internal, conceptual crisis.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Kabbalah, Politics and Religion” 9/3/11

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