Work in Inverse Mode

423.02Question: You work with your desires. What exactly do you do?

Answer: There are desires inside me that seem alien to me. As far as I can draw desires that exist in my imagination outside of me to myself, make them my own so that they are like myself, to this extent I move forward.

The system that I reveal as the one inside me makes me unite all its elements and feel that this whole world is not external, it is inside me. As it unites with me, I feel its greater depth, the forces that govern it, and I contribute as much as I can to the good influence of all these forces inside me. Inside me!

You may ask: “Where are all the others?” There are no others. There is no one. Everything is inside me. Moreover, these are forces of huge negative or positive magnitude, of various forms. And all this is inside me, there is nothing outside! Therefore, I work inside myself.

But you can say: “Then why do you need to teach? Stay inside yourself and sort through all your ‘bugs.’ There is nothing else to do!” Right. In fact, this is how Kabbalists worked.

There is double work here because what seems to me to be outside of me but is actually mine requires double correction.

When I correct myself by bringing inanimate, vegetative, and animate parts closer to me, this is one kind of work. But when I work with those who seem to me as independent people, this is completely different work. These are my desires that allegedly have some independence from me. They are my own, but I can only correct them when I work against them as if they were outside of me. Thus, on these desires I kind of learn how to get out of myself.

And then, by bringing all eight billion different desires closer to me, my inner mini-humanity, through the fact that they want to unite, I rise to the level of the Creator.

This is achieved precisely by the fact that such an illusion, such a picture, such a performance, such a theater, has been created outside of me and I convince all the actors: “Let us unite together!” These are my personal desires, but I must convince them of the need for unity. In this way I correct my egoism, turn it over. I work in this inverse mode.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Unreal Reality” 6/27/11

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