Beg the Creator to Help

252Question: How did you manage to diminish your pride in front of others?

Answer: This work continues until complete correction.

We know that even RASHBI’s disciples, who began to study the upper worlds and write The Book of Zohar from their revelation, initially felt themselves hating each other. That is, it is constant work! Knead and knead yourself all the time! And not by your own strength, because you do not have your own strength! Only if the Creator helps.

And He will help if you obligate Him, make Him! You will indicate what and how you want Him to change, prove to Him that only He can do it. Then He will. Otherwise, it will not be according to your desire!

Question: Does it mean that a person who has crossed into the spiritual world is faced with an even greater problem of pride?

Answer: Of course! Every time! How can there be an ascent up the spiritual steps if an even greater egoism is not revealed beforehand each time?

Question: How did you protect yourself so that this would not happen?

Answer: For many, many years I have constantly convinced myself that there is nothing else in the world.

And in fact, what else is there in our world? Food, sex, family, some knowledge, a little fame, a little wealth, a little power. This is all good because it gives a person some kind of sense of existence. But, in principle, this is one big lie, which, just as it came to a person and organized itself as a shell of all his desires and properties, will go away.

Who am I? The one who exists in this shell. I have to understand my root. This is the most important thing to keep in mind. Without this, I am nobody and nothing. Without this, I will not be there tomorrow, and there will really be nothing left.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Entrance Into Spirituality” 8/18/11

Related Material:
The War on Pride
The Spiritual Root Of Pride
Pride Is The Best Helper

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