Secret Information

263Comment: Sometimes you say something, and then catch yourself and say. “I shouldn’t have said it, it is too early, it was not worth it.”

My Response: Don’t worry, I am not saying anything superfluous, and if I do, it is on purpose so that it stays in you. All the same, this information will live in you, and then you will remember it and reproduce it. Basically, I am talking for the future reference and right now you cannot use it yet.

Question: How much information do you put into students in advance?

Answer: On many spiritual levels in order to enter the upper world and move on. In addition, this information is available in Kabbalistic sources.

My job is to teach you how to read Kabbalistic sources, because for those who read them correctly, they are instructions. Torah—from the word Horaa, instruction, but only a few in our world can read it correctly. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to teach students to understand its secret meaning.

Secret because the rest do not want and cannot understand the Torah correctly; they have no need for it even though the study is open to everyone.

The meaning of the Torah is to see an instruction in it for correction in accordance with a person’s desire. This is what I teach. In principle, I put in students not so much information as the correct attitude to the source of information.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Secret Information” 8/20/11

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