How to Correct an Ugly World?

707Question: You speak about the spiritual world as a world of harmony, and about our world as disharmony. Is there any example from animate or vegetative nature that when looking at it from the outside it is immediately clear that it is a nightmare and needs to be corrected?

Answer: We have nothing to correct in this world except ourselves because we can only correct our desires. The desires of objects of inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature are given from above, and all of them instinctively follow the laws and rules that exist within them. They do not have any freewill.

So we cannot say that some reptile ate a person, and therefore this crocodile is bad and must be killed. Why kill it? For the fact that it has such a program? Then you should turn to the Creator and not to this unfortunate crocodile.

I remember once we were visiting a friend of mine in Miami, and he said: “This is the second day that I have not seen my dog.” There were small lakes around his house where alligators lived, and they freely crawled out onto land. The dog owner thought that his dog jumped over the fence and was eaten by alligators. So do we have to shoot these alligators now? What are they guilty of?

This is the natural reaction of an animal to an animal desire when a large animal desire absorbs a small one. At the same time, they are mutually absorbed, ensuring each other’s existence, and thus the movement of nature continues.

Any desire always consists of inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels. It can only be corrected on a human level. If you correct it, then all these desires connect together, and all of them are considered corrected, since the human level is, so to speak, the head of all desires.

Therefore, it is said that when we come to a complete correction, the wolf and the lamb will walk together in a friendly manner on the green lawn, and a little boy will guide them.

This is actually so because all these desires will come to the right combination with each other. That is, the correct human desire will connect the inanimate, vegetative, and animate desires and give them the right direction to work in this symbiosis.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ugly World” 6/27/11

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