The Origins of Science Fiction

294.1Question: What stimulates science fiction writers who suddenly start writing something that becomes real later?

Answer: For example, Rabbi Shimon was a concrete and very great person. But he could not express his thoughts in such a way that others could understand him at least partially. Even if people did not understand, then they could use what he presented 2,000 years later.

Therefore, he had a student, Rabbi Abba, who expressed the words of Rabbi Shimon in a general way. This is how The Book of Zohar was written.

What Rabbi Shimon said, we do not know, because he expressed his thoughts on a slightly different level, and Rabbi Abba expressed them closer to us as if cultivating the too lofty speech of Rabbi Shimon.

The fact is that the soul of Rabbi Abba was from the surrounding light. That is, he had a quality that allowed him to express everything in such a way that we, his descendants, would understand in 2,000 years.

The same is true with science fiction writers. Their souls are from the surrounding light. They can feel, comprehend, and express their dreams, thoughts, conjectures, and desires in the form of fantasy devices and living conditions. This is a quality of the soul.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Evolution of Kabbalists” 5/7/11

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