A True Kabbalist

294.2Question: There are techniques quite close to Kabbalah that transform a person’s reality and he looks at all things differently. But these people have a big problem: they seem to go against society, believing that they can influence their reality and live in it.

How can a person not play Superman too much and not completely deviate?

Answer: This does not happen in Kabbalah! After all, the further a person progresses, the more modest, more hidden, withdrawn he becomes, he is not interested in being in full view of everyone.

Don’t you see it in me? I do not need television or fame! I would not leave my room. And not because I am like that by nature but because all this loses its value.

You go up on stage, there are several thousand people in front of you, they listen to you and even worship you. And you rejoice that they receive information and not that they idolize you. These are completely different things!

Meaning, Kabbalah in no way makes a person arrogant.

The further you advance, the closer you get to the Creator. That is, you realize how opposite you are to Him and, starting to compare yourself with Him or yourself with others, you feel that you are in a state where you are the lowest.

Those who are higher than you on the ladder of ascent, they are higher spiritually, they have already moved on. Those who are below you on this ladder, they are still above you because they do not yet know what you know, and therefore, all their mistakes are not mistakes—they cannot do otherwise, it has not been revealed to them. And you feel worse than these, and worse than those.

A true Kabbalist cannot be arrogant. On the contrary, he becomes simple, likes to joke. But can also be very serious, very sharp. In everything concerning correction of this world, he is burning.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Transformation of Reality” 4/6/11

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