Optimal Advancement

232.031Question: You say that at every moment  a person is in ideal conditions for his advancement. When he is distancing from his studies, is that also ideal for him?

Answer: Of course, naturally. If at every minute of his distancing from the spiritual, he can make a leap back, then this is the best option of getting closer for him.

Comment: You say with sadness that it is a pity to look at this distancing.

My Response: No. No way. Even a person who feels this should see himself as happy. This is our path. It is the reciprocating motion that pushes us forward like a wheel. We are rolling forward, and the wheel is spinning back and forth, back and forth. That is the only way we advance.

Question: Let’s say you see that a person has moved away a little. Do you not feel sorry for him?

Answer: No, I do not feel sorry. He must move away.

But when he begins to understand that this distance is for his ascent, and at the same time pushes forward while  in this distance, then the distance passes quickly, qualitatively, and gives him a huge leap forward. Then it turns out that he is no longer a small spinning wheel. After all, he inflates it and becomes a big wheel. Therefore when he makes a big turn backward, at the same time he goes forward a lot. This is what depends on the person.

Otherwise, all the wheels practically spin in place. But we hope that we will inflate ourselves properly and move forward. I think that now there will be a good reassessment of values among the local population, which will also give us a push forward.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ideal Conditions of Attainment” 12/13/12

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