The Goal of the Team Is Above All

931.02Question: Based on the experience of workshops, how can a person correctly place oneself under the general field in which he is trying to be a part?

Answer: It should be included as an active element of cooperation, as an organ of an electronic, mechanical or electrical system that tries to realize itself beneficially for the overall purpose of the system, that is, try its best.

I am canceling my “I.” Whatever this action is, good or bad, it doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter how I personally perceive it. I put the action, the benefit, the goal of the team, above mine. And I don’t care about my personal goal right up to its killing, just as some insects or even cells of our body receive an order to kill themselves, and they carry it out.

If the goal of the collective is visible to me, and it contradicts my own, then my goal has no meaning, I destroy myself. This should be the inclusion in the group.

And beyond this limit are the following stages. There you begin to feel the spiritual world because your egoism no longer hinders you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lithuanian Experiment” 3/13/12

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