The Cosmos Is a Brain!

746.01Astronomy and astrology are sciences that reflect the inner forces of nature. I take these sciences seriously, even astrology, but only if it is real and not an amateur one. In ancient times, very smart people were engaged in it. Back then a person was closer to nature, he relied on it.

Today we have simply distanced ourselves from nature, we do not feel its inner forces, yet for our ancestors, these were very significant signs through which they felt various forces. After all, when you work with some material, you start to feel it.

Talk today with a scientist-astronomer who lives, as they say, among the stars.

He will tell you that they are thoughts, they are desires, they are some kind of internal actions, and each star has its own character. He will talk about them and about the entire universe as something alive, claiming: “The cosmos is just a brain!”

Question: Do astronomy and astrology have some kind of spiritual root?

Answer: Of course! They are a reflection of upper forces at our level.

We live in one single dimension. All the worlds are in it, but we feel only the smallest part of them, the vaguest manifestation of them, which we call our world. That is why Kabbalists call our world Olam HaMedume—the world that we imagine, because we feel it, being as if in an unconscious state, in oblivion.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Influence of Astrology on Life” 4/20/12

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