Dead Sea—Absence of Life

703.04The Dead Sea represents the absence of life, because Malchut, unfortunately, is still dead and cannot do anything. But when we really reach the connection of Malchut and Bina, then the earth will be filled with the upper moisture.

Question: Will the sick have nowhere to be treated and have mud baths?

Answer: Why? The Qumran heights and everything that is around the Dead Sea have always existed, it is just that the sea was 10-15 meters higher. But still it was always salty.

It almost never had life, although there is life there. We simply do not distinguish it and do not see it. It is yet to be discovered.

The Dead Sea is in the desert. The desert is not just a place where, as it seems to us, there is nothing but sand and small dunes. The desert can have vegetation, wildlife, rocks, mountains, and springs.

Exactly such a desert surrounds the Dead Sea. Previously, there were tigers, lions, leopards, and now there are only a few of them left, but they still live there. In this desert there are springs of water and very interesting caves.

Thousands of years ago, for many years, the oppositionists of the Jerusalem authorities fled there. There, in the fortress of Mossad, the Jews hid from the Romans.

Many great Kabbalists who were looking for how the correction would continue after the destruction of the Temple lived in those places.

Perhaps this place is “dead” because it was least affected by the shattering, which was mainly concentrated in Jerusalem and passed over the rest of Israel.

Where there was no life, there can be practically no destruction. Therefore, although a special force is felt here, this force is dead.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalistic Geography” 10/10/10

Related Material:
Spiritual Geography, Part 5
The Dead Sea Is The Embodiment Of Malchut
The Cave Of Machpelah: The Place Of Spiritual Life

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