To See the World In the Form of Forces and Qualities

408Comment: Every person has his own natural qualities. You said that if a person is prone to violence, then he can use it in the right way, for example, in becoming a butcher.

My Response: All of our qualities can be aimed in the right direction. That is why I say correct egoism, but do not to destroy it, ask the Creator to correct our bad desires into good ones. That is, the desire remains the same but its usage changes.

Question: What are other examples in our life when a negative quality is used positively?

Answer: There are no such examples in our world. It is not about examples to other people.

When a person changes his qualities, he begins to feel the next level of creation, the universe, and exits squabbles with other people. Questions emerge in him of a different, universal type, which deal with eternity, perfection, and attainment of the harmony of nature.

Completely new depths of nature are revealed to him. While in this world, he begins to feel other worlds: transparent, extended, even I would say, the main ones. And our world as the smallest.

A person begins to penetrate into this and see the whole world in the form of forces and qualities. This is such a huge, three-dimensional, holographic mural in which he himself participates, and simultaneously creates these worlds and realizes that they are all inside him. After all, there is nothing else besides him.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. From Killer to Peacemaker” 3/31/12

Related Material:
Same Action, Different Intentions
There Are No Bad Characteristics
Tuning Into A Wave Of Bestowal

“How do I activate the energy of success?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: How do I activate the energy of success?

Getting the energy to succeed depends solely on the importance of the goal.

That is, if you want to achieve something, you will have the energy to achieve it.

Most importantly, you need to understand what your goal is, and that you have to achieve it, and then the energy for achieving it will come.

You can the also increase the importance of the goal by choosing texts, media, teachers and a group of people that you surround yourself with who share the same goal.

Based on KabTV’s “Blitz of Questions and Answers” on January 6, 2023.