King David: The Quintessence of All Corrections

232.1The last day of Sukkot is dedicated to the guest of honor David, the correction of the Sefira Malchut. It is clear that all corrections are concentrated in and end in Malchut.

Malchut is the quintessence and the result of all corrections. Therefore King David, Malchut, signifies the end of the corrections of our soul when we all gather together under the roof of the Sukkah, under one screen, and receive the upper light from above, which is revealed in the corrected Kli.

Thus we reach the state when the entire upper light enters our Kli. Then comes the feast of the Joy of the Torah (Simchat Torah), when we receive the upper light no longer inside the Sukkah, not under the roof, but rather outside of it, and the upper light fills all of reality.

David symbolizes the general Kli, which is all created beings. On one hand it is a state of complete separation from the Creator, from the upper light. But on the other hand, in this state there is a complete work that brings us to adhesion with the upper force.

Therefore King David is woven from opposite forces, from contradictory qualities. If we talk about his spiritual work, his entire life was like this because he fought all the time. But at the same time he was the ruler, the King of Israel.

King David receives from the qualities of bestowal, from Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. From the qualities of reception, from Isaac, that is, from overcoming, he takes Kelim in order to use them just to the extent that the qualities of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph can be imprinted in them. This combination of forces takes place in David, and therefore he is called the King of Israel.

After all, Malchut accumulates and collects all the forces within itself and combines them in the correct form.

Therefore David had such a difficult life, as described in the Torah. He was constantly involved in various wars and problems and was forced to hide from enemies and haters. His life was not easy, but he corrected all of Malchut through this. The Messiah is called the son of David because he comes out of this quality.

As long as the people of Israel do not have a king, this means that they cannot build Malchut; that is, they cannot become similar to the Creator in the full measure. After all the King of Israel is that quality of similarity to the Creator that created beings form within themselves, within their connection.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/16/22, “Ushpizin David—Sefira Malchut

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