Feel, Explore, Know

610.2Question: The Creator is the good who does good, and His attitude toward me as a creature does not change. But I have to believe it, I don’t feel that way. What does this principle give me?

Answer: This principle gives you the opportunity to evaluate the attitude of the Creator toward yourself.

Question: Do I have to believe it or can I feel that it is?

Answer: Now you can’t feel it. Just believe it as if it is unfounded. But if you strive for the same actions with respect to the Creator, you will begin to feel Him.

Question: So Kabbalah says that it is possible to feel that the Creator really wants only good for us?

Answer: Yes. This is called the law of similarity of properties. By acquiring His properties, you can feel His attitude toward you.

Comment: Many people believe that the Creator is doing good. And often this belief completely satisfies a person.

My Response: It is quite possible that this is so on the one hand. But on the other hand, we want not just to see it, but to feel, explore, and know.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/2/22

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