The Nature of Creation

 202Question: From where do thoughts of receiving arise in us?

Answer: The main thought of the universe, meaning, the Creator, the thought, created us opposite to Himself so that we could attain Him from this state and cloth in Him with our opposite qualities.

Question: It turns out that all our thoughts, our whole world, is the reverse side of the Creator, right?

Answer: That is exactly right. That is why our world is called “creation,” from the word “create,” that is, to create something opposite, external from oneself.

The thought we call the Creator is completely altruistic. We are absolutely egoistic. We are created by this thought as a desire to receive, and not like Him to give. But thanks to this very difference, we are something distinct from Him, exist independently, and are able to know Him from the outside, superimposed on Him.

Therefore, we come to such a state that we and He exist, and we can achieve equivalence of form with Him, while remaining opposite to Him by nature.

We cannot change our nature. Our thought remains egoistic, but we learn how to use it with the correct intention from this thought, from the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Secrets of Immortality” 1/7/11

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