Information Boom and How We Perceive It

962.8Question: In the world now people have so much varying information crammed into them every day; this affects people in many ways. Is there anything to help people not get confused, but to stand firm and take the next step in our development? It is very difficult for people now. In the past, this has never happened.

Answer: This has not happened in the past, because people did not have such a massive amount of information. On the other hand, we need not to reduce the amount of information, but to correctly direct a person to the perception of it. Then everything will be fine.

A person will very quickly, correctly, and effectively sort out all the information that will try to move into him. Of course, there are many interesting things, but I cannot hear everything, read everything, and see everything. I am not able to pass all the information that is constantly being updated in the world through my five senses. It is just not possible.

And there is no need to do it. Each of us involuntarily becomes a filter in the way of the information that surrounds us.

Therefore, everyone should choose for themselves something basic, a little bit of the secondary and that’s it. What about everything else? There is nothing I can do about the fact that I will not read all the books, will not watch all the movies, will not see all the ballets, and so on.

Question: According to what should a person place some kind of limits for himself?

Answer: According to what he wants to achieve in life. If I am engaged in some interesting issue and this is my specialty, then I devote all my time to it. I try to fill myself only with it and dedicate an additional five percent of my total time to the events in the world.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 4/29/22

Related Material:
The Purpose Of Information Transfer
A Sign Of Perceiving Information
Protective Shell Against False Information

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