To Work On Egoism

608.01Question: What is the difference between imagining within reason in our reason and being in faith above reason in action? And how does one lead to the other?

Answer: We can imagine these states as we like, but we still need to understand that everything depends on how we act, react, and how we build our relationships. We need to create a relationship as if the Creator is revealed between us and is constantly revealing more and more.

In this case, we will really prepare ourselves for the fact that we will reach a state when He begins to reveal Himself to us. And then we will have to create a protection against not revealing Him explicitly. This is called restriction, creating a screen and reflected light.

Only to this extent will we be able to attain Him, because we will form a Kli (vessel) of bestowal within ourselves, a quality of bestowal, and we will become like the quality of the Creator. All we need to do is to work above egoism on the quality of bestowal.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/8/22, “Going with Faith above Reason” Lesson 5

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