Fashion Goes Out Of Style

962.8Comment: A new trend in fashion is clothes that don’t exist. Digital fashion stores are now taking over the market. Digital outfits are simply superimposed on clients’ photos or videos on Instagram, social networks, and wherever you want.

Of course the lockdown, this virus, became an accelerator for this development. People were sitting at home and there was nowhere to go, there was nowhere to put on a dress or costumes. And now such virtual clothing stores have appeared.

Manufacturers say the traditional fashion industry pollutes the planet, but we do not. A lot of women buy clothes, put them on for one evening, and then throw them away.

Now you take these clothes—what do we want? Pajamas at home and tons of virtual clothes. You sit in front of the camera and you have a beautiful dress, you have wonderful outfits and so on.

It seems to me that this is a trend that will win its place.

My Response: I am in favor, of course. If I communicate over the Internet and can look the way I want on the screen of my choice, then that’s fine.

In general you need comfortable pajamas with large pockets, soft, in which you can lie and sit, and whatever you want to do.

Question: What should be the starting point when you say the word “fashion”?

Answer: Just convenience. Once good clothes used to open all doors; it all spoke of taste. Today taste is left to the mercy of businessmen; it all depends on money.

Fashion is a concept that I think is going out of style.

Comment: I used to wear clothes in order to be seen and appreciated.

My Response: Yes. One conveyed a lot with this, the language of clothing.

And today this is not the case. It is no longer there and will not exist at all. What’s the point if everyone can do whatever they want? And even more so in digital form. If we communicate, and we will definitely communicate in this form, then why do we need to run somewhere, or walk? You press the button “what clothes do you choose” and it gets put on you.

Question: And you can sit in your pajamas, you put on a suit, and you look like an English Lord, as it should be. Is this good?

Answer: I think yes.

Question: And what do they look at now when they communicate with a person? Do the clothes no longer make a man?

Answer: Of course not! Who doesn’t have these trousers, jackets, shirts, socks, and ties? I believe that all this should not be present at all. I am sitting in front of you in such attire and my hair is not mine. All this can be changed on the spot.

Question: What will I look at when looking at a person?

Answer: You will look at what he has inside. You will hear, you will perceive it.

Question: And I should not pay attention to what he is wearing, whether it’s Wrangler, Levi’s or something so cool from the well-known firms?

Answer: Of course not! Who is paying attention to this already?

Question: That is, will I be able to quietly see in a person his internality, his heart, his warmth? Is this what I will be looking for all the time?

Answer: I hope so.

Question: They will finally lead us to this, what alone will I be looking for?

Answer: I think so. But something from the outside will remain.

I remember my daughter. I was on a trip and she called and told me about some problem she had and even cried into the phone. This was when she was still a young girl.

And I was at the airport at that time. So I went to a serious bag shop there, called her from this store and asked: “What do you want? What gift?” There are such and such handbags. She of course lit up; she was still a girl.

Where she would go with this bag, I had no idea. And I photographed this handbag and sent it to her. She said: “Yes, yes. This is exactly what I want!”

The whole mood, everything changed. I bought it and brought it to her.

Question: In order to correct the mood of another, is this necessary?

Answer: This is necessary. For women such things are part of their life.

Comment: But still, one way or another we will come to internal communication.

My Response: Yes. I look at today’s youth, how they walk in these rags; they do not look at glitter at all. They have their own language, their own expressions. They communicate in a different way, they look at each other in a different way.

Question: Do you think they will not have such a strong external part? Will they get something internally?

Answer: Yes, because once it was status, it was the language of a person; but today it no longer means anything.

We will come to a very comfortable look in everything that surrounds us, from apartments, to cars, to clothes, and everything else. Because it’s convenient. And we will respect this in a person, and practically we will look at it. A person should not bribe us with his outward manifestations. Whoever has a deeper pocket is better; this is generally unacceptable!

It will go away quickly in men, and more slowly in women. But it will happen all the same. And apartments will be practical: not 200 to 300 square meters, and on the other hand not 40 square meters either. In general we will come to this internally.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/7/21

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