Feel The Inner Pulse Of Nature

707The Nature of Man: Studies in Optimistic Philosophy, Elie Metchnikoff:

To modify the human constitution, it will be necessary first, to frame the ideal, and thereafter to set to work with all the resources of science.

If there can be formed an ideal able to unite men in a kind of religion of the future, this ideal must be founded on scientific principles. And if it be true, as has been asserted so often, that man can live by faith alone, the faith must be in the power of science.” “To change human nature, first of all, one must be aware of the ideal to strive for, and then use all the means provided by science for its implementation.

If we think of an ideal capable of uniting people in some kind of religion of the future, then it cannot be grounded otherwise than on scientific data. And if it is true, as is often said, that one cannot live without faith, then the latter cannot be other than faith in the omnipotence of knowledge.

My Response: Of course, we must strive for real faith, which is absolute knowledge, when a person changes himself so that he becomes closer to nature. Then a transformation takes place in him, and he begins to feel the inner pulse of nature, its movement and himself in it, as one harmonious general whole.

Question: If what he does brings him even a drop closer to nature, then is this the right direction, and if it moves him away, then the wrong one?

Answer: Yes. And also according to the motto “a sound spirit in a sound body” The healthier you become, the closer to nature you will be, because you are a part of it.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah” 7/29/21

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