“What Kind Of Genetic Engineering Should Be Allowed To Correct Defects And Imperfections?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What kind of genetic engineering should be allowed to correct defects and imperfections?

We cannot stop development.

Everything that can be used for humanity’s benefit, in order to feed and deliver food to the most distant places with the smallest losses, should be developed.

Any prohibitions that we enact on genetic engineering will only complicate its development and make it more expensive. It will nevertheless continue to develop, but in such cases it will become available, for instance, only to wealthy people. However, if we let its development continue, then its fruits will eventually reach all layers of the population.

This is why we cannot develop anything that is not for humanity’s benefit. We should thus concern ourselves with upgrading our attitudes to the world, to appreciate and honor actions of benefiting human society, so that people will think more and more about how to benefit humanity, with full understanding of how interconnected and interdependent we all are. Then, those behind the developments of genetic engineering will also hold great concern to make its produce as beneficial as possible for humanity.

Based on a Q&A with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on September 9, 2006. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

On The Eve Of A Great Turning Point

749.02Question: Can we say that everyone who crosses the Jordan, this spiritual border, is ready to work in bestowal?

Answer: No. There are still many steps of correction before them. Crossing the Jordan means that you are making a commitment to correct yourself, but this is at that moment, in the given desires that manifest themselves inside you.

When a person enters the land of Israel, so many adversaries are revealed to him—his inner desires, his intentions! He must yet fight against them, win, bend them, work with them! Transition is an agreement. Transition is a borderline, but victory is still far away.

Question: Our generation is now, one way or another, facing crossing the Jordan to enter the land of Canaan and turn it into the land of Israel. Does this apply to the whole of humanity or only to its advanced parts?

Answer: No, this does not apply to humanity. It will gradually come to a state in which it will be forced to give up its egoism since it will become convinced that the ego is killing it and that it is instead necessary to accept the quality of altruism because it is possible to exist only in it. The inner qualities of a person seem to be crossing over to the side of Israel because they are convinced that such is the imperative of the times.

I hope that we are already approaching such a state in humanity when we see how these conclusions are made, primarily by the people of Israel. And the rest will follow. This will be a great turning point.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/26/21

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Age Is Not A Hindrance

963.1Comment: In order to be happy, a person does not need to think a lot. One can take care of oneself and one’s health in a proper way, and that would already be enough. And then, he can go and explore other things.

My Response: Based on the science of Kabbalah, one can absolutely clearly understand that a person can come from internal to external balance, and vice versa by correct external interaction with others one can bring oneself to inner peace and balance.

Question: So, age is not a hindrance here?

Answer: Age is not a hindrance at all. Absolutely not! It all depends only on how a person perceives himself and the world around him. The soul is immortal, and therefore the body should not have control over us.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah” 7/29/21

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New Life 1316 – Quarrels In The Family

New Life 1316 – Quarrels In The Family
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

In a corrected life, we scrutinize the conflicts between us with the intention of reaching love and peace above them. In order to quarrel correctly, we need to learn the method of relationships that is explained in the wisdom of Kabbalah. Men and women are innately different.

Quarrels should be regarded as the necessary revelation of each one’s nature in contrast and opposition to the nature of another. The natural gap between them can be bridged when we openly express our preferences, respect each other’s views, set a good examples for one another, and establish mutual understanding.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1316 – Quarrels In The Family,” 8/15/21

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What Is Our Correction?

592.02Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World“: This is the key to understand the weakness of world reformers throughout the generations. They regarded man as a machine that is not operating properly and needs mending, meaning to remove its broken parts and replace them with working ones.

The fact is that there is nothing faulty in a person and nothing needs to be changed in him. Everything was given to him by nature, so different negative attributes, and even the desire to kill, to rob, etc. were all given to him by the Creator.

The correction is not locking a person in jail or hanging him but integrating him in frameworks in which he can understand that he needs to correct his internality so that he would feel an impulse to connect to others above his most negative impulses regarding others.

A person needs to ascend to the next level without destroying his negative attributes, and he must acquire positive impulses instead of his negative impulses in relation to others.

When he displays his negative and positive impulses this way, he will begin to feel the spiritual state between them like between the negative and positive poles of the same field. Then he will begin to feel the upper world.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 7/7/19

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 8/29/21

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Lowliness and Subjugation” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 21

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 8/28/21

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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Family And The Study Of Kabbalah

959Question: Is it necessary for a person who is on the spiritual path to marry or get married?

Answer: It is desirable for a man. It is not necessary for a woman.

Question: How does one understand that you are with the right person in the family? This refers to the husband and wife.

Answer: This is the person who does not interfere with your spiritual work, supports you in this, maybe even sympathizes and takes part himself.

Question: How can a couple who begins to study the science of Kabbalah unleash the potential of a child?

Answer: Sometimes talking about these topics in front of a child, giving him books from our Internet library and thus determining whether he is interested in Kabbalah. I think that something will interest him.

Question: So, a child, like an adult, has some kind of freedom of choice in this?

Answer: Of course. After all, no one forces him.

Question: Can we learn something from a child in our spiritual development?

Answer: Usually children give parents many such examples. So adults have this opportunity.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 7/19/21

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And Joshua Returned To The Camp

933Prophets, Joshua, 10:42 – 10:43: And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel.

And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp, to Gilgal.

The camp is the common desire of the Israelites whose intention is aimed only at correction, only at altruistic connections. They exist together in these desires, and therefore, they cannot settle in the captured cities or be among all the nations enslaved by their desires.

Comment: When cities are seized, the conquerors usually settle in them.

My Response: The fact is that a city embodies a certain egoistic desire, but this is not the case here.

Only in certain cities like Jerusalem that symbolize fundamental desires of nature that you are obliged to conquer and subdue can you dwell.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/26/21

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“They Took Them Down Off The Trees And Cast Them Into The Cave”
“Put Your Feet Upon The Necks Of These Kings”.
The Kingdom Of Desires

Universal Prescription For Fatigue

962.7Question: What is the right way to rest for a person who begins to study the science of Kabbalah? Maybe he does not need to rest at all, but can devote every minute to moving toward the goal? Or do you still need to relax somehow?

Answer: Perhaps there should be a place for both recreation and sports. But all this is within a very limited framework. The main thing is to study, work, eat, and rest.

Question: Is there such a thing as resting the mind, mental rest? Sports, of course, is physical rest. I can study, but at the same time think, continue working hard.

Answer: Personally, I relax mentally when I read or listen to anecdotal stories, not some rough concoctions, but those in which the brilliance of the mind is manifested.

In general, I just move from one action to another: I study The Zohar, articles by Baal HaSulam and Rabash, prepare for lessons, give talks and interviews. Since my occupation changes all the time, I do not feel tired.

Question: Is there such a thing that mental forces can be exhausted if a person follows a spiritual path?

Answer: No. This cannot be in Kabbalah.

Question: In general, while studying Kabbalah, can a person lose strength?

Answer: This is out of the question because a person is connected to a higher source. If fatigue manifests itself, it is from the fact that you have been doing the same thing for a long time. Move on to another and you will see that everything passes.

A person is always given the strength to take the next step. The universal prescription for fatigue is to switch to another thing in the same direction.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 07/19/21

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