The Kingdom Of Desires

527.04When reading the Torah, it is very important to remember that it talks only about spiritual states. If it writes about some king and his little kingdom, it speaks about what happens in our egoism, what desires reign in it, and what we can do with them: correct, overthrow, and appoint other desires.

The king is an egoistic desire, which at the moment, reigns in part of our common desire and guides us.

We have many different desires and they are all in a certain relationships with each other. These relations and their interactions, in principle, paint a picture of the world for us.

Thus, we feel that we live inside our desires, which consist of inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels. Moreover, in a human desire there are millions of different small desires, so-called “kings,” among which there are also large ones.

We are trying to overcome the desire that is reigning now, to capture this city and this king.

Question: Who becomes a king?

Answer: It depends on the period in history. Yet, we are not talking about history, but about what is happening inside us, the exaltation of some properties and overthrowing of others so they replace each other, and all this rolls from the beginning of history to its end.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/26/21

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